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Frank Martinez

Frank Martinez

  • Director, Intel
  • Male
  • Native American
  • Not Available

Frank Martinez is the worldwide director of digital inclusion and government PC programs in Intel's World Ahead program. He is responsible for setting the strategy and managing the execution of government-assisted PC purchase programs aimed at significantly increasing access to computers and the Internet among the next billion users. These programs are designed to create social and economic development opportunities that empower citizens, students, employee groups, micro and small business, and ageing populations. Martinez started his career at Intel in 1991 and has held numerous positions including microprocessor design, application engineering, technical marketing and market development. Prior to his current role, he was based in Munich, Germany and managed Intel's government solutions and market development activity across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He also previously served as technical advisor to Intel's vice president of Worldwide Solutions Marketing. Martinez received his Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University and his Master's degree in electrical engineering from Cornell University.